Sunday, July 10, 2011

Does anyone remember this old children's book about a dragon?

I have a vague memory of this one picture book from when I was a kid but we don't have it anymore and I can't find it in Google. It centered around a little boy who went to fight a dragon because everyone in his village was afraid of it. But when the dragon comes out of the cave, it turns out he is not a real dragon at all but one made out of springs, gears, and clockwork bits. I can't remember any more details of the plot except I think one of the reasons everyone was afraid of it was the loud clanging sound it made when it walked. The illustrations were all in reds, oranges, browns, and blacks I think... but it is all so hazy! Does this ring a bell to anyone else? Based on my memory of it, our copy was probably published between 1950 - 1965. It would be great of someone else remembers this because it is driving me nuts!

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