Sunday, July 10, 2011

I hate my so much when they're drunk but why?

How old are you? I wouldn't kill yourself over this. I get really angry too when my parents drink. I hate the sight of drunk people. I get really annoyed and frightened by it too. Trust me, this isn't a reason to kill yourself. I know right now thinks suck badly, but eventually you can move out. If things get too bad you can call child service and ask to be removed from the home and live with a different relative or something. There are better ways to deal with this than to kill yourself. Just think for a second. If you did kill yourself I'm sure that your parents drinking would get worse because they'd feel so bad and their lives would be a living hell too. Do you really want to cause that suffering, the way they've made you suffer? I hope not. Just be rational about it. I'm really glad that you're one of the people who thinks drunk people are stupid too. You sound like a great person, and it would be a tragedy for one less good person to be in the world. There's already a shortage of good people, so the world needs you. Just think, you play a role in this world that is very important, don't let drunken parents get in the way of this, okay? At least your parents aren't physically abusive from what you've said, but they seen to be emotionally abusive, and they also waste their money a lot..but, just don't end your life over this.

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